Scale of Points
Scale of points were a very popular way of describing a breed through much of he late 19th and early 20th centuries. They were not peculiar only to breed standards either, but were also included in general discussions and description found in books of all stripes. Here is a sample of how some writers and/or breed standard have instructed breeders and judges to assign value:
Breed Standard adopted by the Black and Tan Terrier Club of England (circa 1893)
Scale of Points
Eyes Ears Legs Feet Body Tail Colour and Markings General Appearance (including terrier quality) Grand Total: |
10 5 10 10 10 5 15 15 100 |
Hugh Dalziel (circa 1873)
Points Of Black And Tan Terrier
Points Of Black And Tan Terrier
Head 5
Jaws and Teeth 5 Eyes 5 Ears 5 Total: 20 |
Neck and shoulders 10
Chest 10 Loin 10 Legs and feet 10 Total: 40 |
Coat 5
Colour 25 Tail 5 Symmetry 5 Total: 40 |
The Dogs of the British Islands (1872)
Value of Points of the Black-tan Terrier
Value of Points of the Black-tan Terrier
Colour 15
Coat 5 Markings 20 Total: 40 |
Head 25
Eye 5 Neck 5 Total: 35 |
Chest 5
Shoulders 5 Total: 10 |
Feet & legs 5
Total: 5 |
Loins 5
Tail 5 Total: 10 |
Total: 100
From: A Manual of Toy Dogs by Mrs. Leslie Williams (1904)
Scale of Points
Scale of Points
Eyes Ears Legs Feet Body Tail Colour and Markings General Appearance (including terrier quality) Total: |
10 5 10 10 10 5 15 15 100 |
The Dog: In Health and Disease (1887)
The points of the black and tan terrier are as follows:
The points of the black and tan terrier are as follows:
Jaws and teeth Eyes Ears Neck and shoulders Chest Loin Legs Feet Coat Colour Tail Symmetry Total: |
5 5 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 25 5 5 100 |