Join the Club!
The CMTC is always looking for new members interested in supporting and promoting our wonderful breed. In addition to receiving a newsletter dedicated to the breed several times per year, members can also work on breed-related projects in a number of areas including health, breed promotion, history and more. The Club holds a National Specialty every 2-3 years and maintains an email list where members are encouraged to share news, photos and/or questions about the breed.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please read below for information on how to apply for membership and details on how your application will be processed:
If you are interested in becoming a member, please read below for information on how to apply for membership and details on how your application will be processed:
Application Forms
Online Applications
To apply online, click the Apply Now button at right. In addition to completing the online application form, you will also be asked to read and agree to the Club's Code of Ethics. Once complete, you will have to option to submit required fees electronically via Paypal or via a mailed cheque or money order. Hard Copy Applications To print and mail your application, click the Download Application button at right. Print and complete the PDFs and mail your application and first year's membership fees to the address noted. |
Yearly Membership Dues
Application Processing
The CMTC Constitution and By-Laws sets out the Membership process as follows:
1) Any person desiring membership in the Club shall submit their application, on a form approved by the Board, together with one year's fees to the Club Treasurer. All provisions of the application must be satisfied including the submission of an introductory letter as described on the application. All applicants must read and agree to abide by the CMTC Code of Ethics.
2) Upon receipt of the completed application, the Secretary shall record the application and send a copy to each member of the Board for approval. The Board shall approve all applications and return them to the Secretary within 21 days. If a member of the Board does not approve an application, the reasons for withholding approval shall be attached to the application and returned to the Secretary. An affirmative vote of 2/3 of the Board is required for approval. Any unapproved application shall be discussed at a meeting of the Board. All rejected applicants shall receive a written explanation.
3) Any application duly approved by the Board shall then be published in the Club's next newsletter for general comment. Any complaint received by the Secretary from the general membership shall be duly recorded and a copy shall be forwarded to the Board for final approval. If no complaint/comment is received within 30 days of publication the application will be granted final approval.
4) The applicant shall then be informed in writing of his or her acceptance.
*** Note: The conditions and requirements of member eligibility are subject to change by the Club's Board of Directors.
1) Any person desiring membership in the Club shall submit their application, on a form approved by the Board, together with one year's fees to the Club Treasurer. All provisions of the application must be satisfied including the submission of an introductory letter as described on the application. All applicants must read and agree to abide by the CMTC Code of Ethics.
2) Upon receipt of the completed application, the Secretary shall record the application and send a copy to each member of the Board for approval. The Board shall approve all applications and return them to the Secretary within 21 days. If a member of the Board does not approve an application, the reasons for withholding approval shall be attached to the application and returned to the Secretary. An affirmative vote of 2/3 of the Board is required for approval. Any unapproved application shall be discussed at a meeting of the Board. All rejected applicants shall receive a written explanation.
3) Any application duly approved by the Board shall then be published in the Club's next newsletter for general comment. Any complaint received by the Secretary from the general membership shall be duly recorded and a copy shall be forwarded to the Board for final approval. If no complaint/comment is received within 30 days of publication the application will be granted final approval.
4) The applicant shall then be informed in writing of his or her acceptance.
*** Note: The conditions and requirements of member eligibility are subject to change by the Club's Board of Directors.