2002 Manchester Terrier General Health Survey
During the summer of 2002, the Canadian and American Manchester Terrier Clubs administered a comprehensive health survey. The survey looked to establish a baseline incidence of known canine diseases and conditions. A hard copy of the survey was mailed to all members of the Canadian Manchester Terrier Club and of the American Manchester Terrier Club. Additionally, a copy of the survey was made available to other interested parties via the CMTC and AMTC web sites. Of the approximately 243 surveys distributed, 86 were returned -- representing more than 1300 Manchester Terriers. To protect the privacy of survey respondents all surveys were received and handled exclusively by Dr. Andrew M. Johnson, Ph.D. of Pedagogus, Inc.
Two documents are now available based on information gathered in the survey. The first contains raw data prepared by Dr. Andrew M. Johnson, Ph.D. This is a lengthy document (31 pages) and is only available on the web site. This file is presented in PDF format and is unavailable in any other medium. The second document contains a summary of survey results (7 pages). Prepared by the CMTC & AMTC Health Committees, this file is available in Word format (.doc). This document is available on the web site and will be distributed to all members through the CMTC newsletter.
Two documents are now available based on information gathered in the survey. The first contains raw data prepared by Dr. Andrew M. Johnson, Ph.D. This is a lengthy document (31 pages) and is only available on the web site. This file is presented in PDF format and is unavailable in any other medium. The second document contains a summary of survey results (7 pages). Prepared by the CMTC & AMTC Health Committees, this file is available in Word format (.doc). This document is available on the web site and will be distributed to all members through the CMTC newsletter.
The CMTC would like to extend warm thanks to all survey participants. The data collected in this survey will be very useful in supporting health related initiatives over the coming years. Special thanks to CMTC member Nancy Elliott for her contribution to the project in the area of fundraising. Ms. Elliott was a significant contributor in funding the survey and her work is highly appreciated.